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Tom Millett

About Tom


I’m Tom Millett, the Constitutional Conservative Candidate for House District 2, encompassing Marion & Ashley Lake in Flathead County, Libby in Lincoln County, and all points in between.

The Vital Statistics

  • Born in Southern CA in 1965, moved to Southern AZ (Tucson) in 1973
  • Graduated high school at 17
  • Joined the US Navy, 8 years active, 2 years reserves.
  • Electricians School, Naval Nuclear Power School/Program
  • Plank owner of two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (CVN-71, CVN-72)
  • Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990-1991)
  • Honorable discharge 1991
  • Life member of both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • 30+ years in the civilian nuclear and fossil power generation industries and the telecommunications field…specifically the fiber optic industry.
  • Fled Las Vegas 12 years ago…came to Montana because of the culture of freedom, rugged independence, beautiful outdoors, wide open spaces, and of course, the friendly people.
  • Married, live in Marion, MT on 4 acres of land, built a house, living the dream.
  • Independent Consultant to the power generation and telecommunications industries…pick and choose my assignments.
Full Bio
Aligned with the People

I am committed to protecting YOUR God-given rights, pushing back against governmental overreach at all levels, and representing YOUR traditional, conservative values and our Montana way of life in Helena.

Up to the job

I’ve been fighting for limited government and fiscal responsibility at the local level for several years; it’s time to take the fight to Helena and I’m ready, I’m willing, and I’m able.
