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Tom Millett

Issues Facing Our State and Nation


(in alphabetical order)

Affordable Housing

  • Free market forces should be the primary decider of when and where housing is built and at what price.
  • NO public funds to be used to subsidize rent or mortgage payments.
  • NO public funds to be used to provide incentives for developers and builders to build housing.

Balanced Budget Amendment (Federal)

  • I DO NOT support an amendment to the US constitution to force the federal government to balance their budget. Too many loopholes can be added for them to skirt the issue.
  • I SUPPORT Congress repealing the Federal Reserve Act and putting an end to the Federal Reserve Banking System.
    • Less money for Washington = Less spending by Washington.
  • I SUPPORT repealing the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution (Income Tax).
    • Less money to Washington = Less spending by Washington.
  • I SUPPORT a restriction on Federal money coming into the state of Montana as grants, expenditures, etc. unless that Federal money is specifically authorized and appropriated by Congress under the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, et. al.

Climate Change

  • There is no scientific basis for man-caused “climate change”.
  • Climate change extremism is just a means to strip Montanans of our freedoms and impoverish us.


  • I SUPPORT the Federal and State Constitutions 100%…I will honor my oath.

Convention of States (COS, Article V Convention, et. al.)

  • I DO NOT support a Convention of States at this time to propose amendments to the US Constitution.
  • There are many constitutional solutions yet to be implemented before we consider a COS.

Critical Race Theory (CRT)

  • A political ploy meant to divide us so we will not come together to solve our problems.
  • A Marxist ideology at its core.
  • I SUPPORT a ban on state agencies implementing or allowing CRT.
  • I SUPPORT a ban on school districts implementing or allowing CRT.

Death Penalty

  • I SUPPORT the death penalty for only the most heinous of crimes.
  • When carried out the executive authority (Governor) must ensure there is no doubt as to the veracity of guilt, due process has been afforded through the entire process (from arrest to conviction to appeals) and the actual execution is conducted as quickly as possible.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (D.E.I.)

  • Promotes equality of OUTCOMES instead of equality of OPPORTUNITY.
  • A Marxist ideology at its core.
  • I SUPPORT a ban on state agencies implementing or allowing DEI.
  • I SUPPORT a ban on school districts implementing or allowing/teaching DEI.

Education (Pre-K through Higher Ed)

  • Pre-K
    • There is no constitutional provision for the state to fund Pre-K education.
    • It’s the responsibility of the parents and family to educate their Pre-K children.
  • K-12
    • Constitutionally required to be funded by the state to a BASIC level.
    • Funding from the state limited to this basic level.
    • Any other funding a local school district needs for “extras” should be paid for at the local level through local school mill levies and improvement bonds.
  • Higher Education
    • There is no constitutional provision for the state to fund but MAY be provided for.
    • I support the Legislature using the “power of the purse” to reign in a disobedient Board of Regents if they insist on promoting Woke-ism, CRT, DEI or prohibiting the free exercise of a student’s or staff’s right to self defense.

Election Security, Transparency & Reform

  • I SUPPORT “Voting Amish” at the local level if the people choose to do so.
    • Voter ID
    • Same Day Voting @ local Precinct
    • Paper Ballots
    • Hand Counting
  • Prohibit illegals from voting.
  • Elections end at midnight of election day.
  • Minimize mail/absentee ballot voting.
  • NO ballot harvesting.
  • NO “Ranked-Choice” voting schemes.
  • NO double voting.

Energy Security

  • Inexpensive energy is the bedrock of a prosperous economy and low prices overall.
  • I SUPPORT expanding our energy resources (hydro, natural gas, coal) for both domestic use and limited exports.
  • I SUPPORT increasing Montana’s energy independence by building new hydro-power facilities (where practical), clean coal and natural gas generating plants (base-load, intermediate and peaking units) as well as siting nuclear power generating units in Montana.

Food Freedom

  • The ability to choose who to buy your food from without government interference is the foundation of true health.

Illegal Immigration

  • NO public funds for non-US citizens.
  • I SUPPORT laws to make it a crime for people in the US illegally to be in Montana. (Simiilar to laws passed in FL, TX, TN, OK)
  • I SUPPORT prosecuting employers who employ people in the US illegally and don’t pay workers compensation insurance.

Liberal Courts / Activist Judges

  • I SUPPORT partisan elections for judges.
  • I SUPPORT Supreme Court judicial election districts (instead of state-wide elections).
  • The Legislature must nullify unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions (a vital check and balance on the judiciary).
  • Investigate and impeach judges when they have violated their oath of office (legislating from the bench, intruding into the executive or legislative branches of government, etc.).
  • “Judicial Supremacy” is a myth.
  • I SUPPORT SJ-15 (Resolution on Marbury vs. Madison) from the 2023 legislative session (failed to pass) and will re-introduce it in the 2025 session.

Money Freedom

  • NO Central Bank Digital Currency.
  • I SUPPORT gold and silver as legal tender (aka Legal Tender Bill)
  • I SUPPORT a state-run Gold and Silver Bullion Depository similar to what Texas has.


  • Human life begins at conception.
  • I SUPPORT protecting mothers and babies.

Property Taxes

Republican Party Platform for Montana

  • I SUPPORT the Montana Republican Party Platform 100%

Term Limits (Federal)

  • We already have term limits; We the People can replace elected officials at any election through the ballot box.
  • Term limits is a double-edged sword; gets rid of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ legislators.


  • Keeping kids safe from harm is our duty.
  • Adults can do what they want with their bodies.
  • NO public funds for any sort of “transitioning”.


  • I voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020; I will vote for him again in 2024.
  • Trump = Peace + Prosperity
  • Biden = War + Poverty
  • President Trump is not our country’s savior but he gives us the best chance to save ourselves.

States Rights / Federal Jurisdiction Issues

  • I SUPPORT comprehensive nullification of unconstitutional federal law(s).
  • I SUPPORT nullifying unconstitutional federal court rulings.
  • I SUPPORT Defend the Guard legislation wherein the Montana National Guard shall only be federalized/mobilized to active federal service through:
    • Express Congressional action (i.e., Declaration of War), and
    • Not unilateral Presidential action (i.e. Executive Order) alone.
  • I SUPPORT Sheriff’s First legislation wherein Sheriffs shall be notified of any federal action in the county BEFORE the action occurs (with exceptions).
  • I SUPPORT repealing the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution (Popular Vote of Senators).
    • Will restore the original mechanism of selecting US Senators by state legislative appointment.
    • Will rightly restore the voice of the several States in the US Congress and the federal government as a whole.
    • Will provide a mechanism for the state legislature to remove disobedient Senators before their term is up.

Water Compact

  • Passed unconstitutionally.
  • Patently unfair to all Montanans.
  • Must be renegotiated.


  • Go Woke, Go Broke
  • No public funds to “Woke” companies.